
 Hi, welcome to the new website Emerlgem! As of November 30th, 2009, this is an official website! Woohoo! I'll be running this website under the name of Emerl. My avatar'll be a frog.So much for my first post! See ya!

Monday 30th November, 2009

This website has been created for the purpose of...GAMING! Animal Crossing, Poke'mon and Harvest Moon are top of my list!  Add Roblox and Adventure Quest to the mix, and you've  got a gaming fiasco!

Monday 30th November, 2009

Hi again, I'm adding some new pages. There won't be much on them for a while, so be patient!

Tuesday 1st December, 2009 

 I need some faqs from you. Send them to ledwithc@yahoo.co.uk, and you'll be sent the details for Admin...after I've decided it's good. Thanks guys!

It's been a while, but I've got some cool Youtube videos (that I made myself) on the Sonic page!


19th March, 2010 

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